Yankari has been out for almost a week and has great reviews, so thank you to those who took the time to write one! I appreciate it hugely.
Now, I wonder, what’s up in the future for the Talking Earth universe.
Originally, I wrote Yankari as a simple short story for an anthology for charity. It’s going into that, for sure, but it’s really way too long to be a short story. In terms of strict word count, it’s a novella or novelette.
That aside, it was meant to be a stand-alone. No follow ups, no new series, nothing like that.
But so far, almost everyone has either commented in their review – or flat out written and told me via email – that they either want or expect this to be a series. That sort of took me aback, because I have other stuff planned for the next year and hadn’t considered it at all.
But then I started thinking about it a little. What might this world encompass? What might be the story arc or arcs? How might the Talking Earth world unfold?
It didn’t take long to realize there is some delicious stuff I could do. Fascinating, different and most importantly, fun to write.
So, will I?
I’m not sure. Right now I’m on the fence and I think the thing that will decide it is performance. If Yankari performs well (better than it has so far!) and keeps getting good reviews, then I’ll probably do it and shuffle some other projects (ones not far progressed on or still on the drawing board) to the back in order to do so. We’ll just have to see.
The good thing is that books don’t have expiration dates. If I have to wait a year to do it, so be it. If I decide to do it for this November’s National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), then I can do that instead.
Now for the question! While I’m over here thinking up this new world and all the things that might happen in it, I got curious about something. What do you want to see happen in this new world? What did you imagine for it?
And finally, I’m going to leave it at $0.99 for a bit longer. I usually only do that the first week, but I’m not urgent about changing it at the moment. I love 0.99 novellas so I figure others probably do, too.