Strikers has made it to the final round of voting for Best Dystopian Novel of 2014!
You might say…meh, big deal…but for me, it’s huge. Huge, I tell ya! Thank you to everyone who voted for me in the nomination round, because it was you that put me there.
The TKH (The Kindle Hub) awards are won by vote, which means it’s a popularity contest. Those authors that have more readers are pretty much guaranteed the win. That is, they are unless an author with fewer readers…but very supportive ones…lets those readers know.
So, all previous votes are zeroed out, this is the final voting round and if you voted in the earlier round, your vote is gone. Please, go vote for me! I don’t think I have a chance in hades of winning, but I’d rather not be that pathetic last place where there’s like 9 votes (which is what I am now), while the others have 10 times that number.
It’s sort of embarrassing.
So go vote! And spread the word so others will to. Click the picture to get to the FB voting page. And thank you.