My Writing Process

Outside of consuming lots and lots of chocolate, chicory, and coffee, how do I go about getting some writing done?

  • A Cozy Place

    Writing is harder when you're uncomfortable. Don't be bound to a room or a desk. Be bound to whatever you need to write that day.

  • Defined Working Times... Except

    When I need to get the work done, I show up for it, but when that spark ignites, I roll with it and order takeout.

  • No Distractions

    My phone goes in Do Not Disturb mode, so the important stuff can get through, but the fluff doesn't.

My Tools

Must-Haves For Writers

A word after a word after a word is power."

Margaret Atwood

My Writing Philosophy

Do these steps and you're bound to become a great author

Write A Lot

Write a lot, and consistently, and you'll get better. Listen to feedback, share your work, and stay true to yourself.

Read A Lot

Do something other than write?! You betcha. Read in your genre, read outside your genre. See what other authors are doing, and pick apart how they do it. But not too much. Never lose the joy of reading. It's still important to enjoy stories without overthinking the mechanics.

Be Kind

To yourself and to others. You'll make mistakes. Hundreds. Thousands. Hundreds of thousands. Even the best writers have multiple mistakes per page on their rough drafts. Just keep working to improve your work, and you'll create something you're proud of. Study, listen, and learn from others. But above all, be kind. Be charitable to yourself, and deliver constructive feedback to your peers without being hateful or rude.

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