January 8, 2014

Hey readers!  I hope your new year is being kind to you and everyone who got a shiny new kindle for the holidays is packing it with delicious indie books. A goodly number of the Silo Saga writers are getting together to do a charity anthology of silo stories and it looks like they are…

January 4, 2014

I know that Silo 49: Dark Till Dawn just came out less than a week ago, so I should be glued to the Amazon ticker seeing if it goes up in rank and if people like it.  And yes, I am doing that, I confess.  But I can’t just sit here and watch the whole…

January 1, 2014

With huge thanks to the Beta readers, who all sent wicked good notes and caught “whoopsies” in spelling and grammar that would have been terribly embarrassing, I’m happy to say that the book is out. Happy New Year!

December 30, 2013

All the notes from the beta readers got back to me in record time.  Very glad to report that all of them liked the book but I do have some tweaking to do.  I’m going through yet another printed version of the book right this minute and adjusting. That means we’re in the home stretch!…
