March 6, 2014

I got home from work today to find forty-four…yes 44…emails and other notes from readers asking if the rest of the series is going to be free soon because Silo 49: Going Dark went perma-free and now book two, Silo 49: Deep Dark is on free promotion. The answer is…sadly, no. I don’t do free…

March 2, 2014

As some of you know, I was asked to be a part of a WOOL anthology. The proceeds will go to charity. While there are still some legal details to work out to be sure the charity is good with the final product and so on, the book itself is now done! As you can…

March 1, 2014

As mentioned in my last post, the Friends of WOOL pricing for the full length novels in the Silo 49 Series, Deep Dark and Dark Till Dawn, was supposed to end today after many additional months of the discounted price. Well, Amazon finally went free price-matching on Going Dark and I’m over the moon. Because…

February 26, 2014

I’ve been delaying this for a while. It was only supposed to last three months but we are now into month six for Deep Dark so it is time. While I am making Silo 49: Going Dark perma-free (it is available at Smashwords, iTunes and B&N for free, but Amazon is still not price matching yet!),…
