August 7, 2015

I had this awesomely eloquent post up before…but since my crash and rebuilding, I just can’t remember what witty things I said. How about I wing it? PePr, Inc. is my short story from The Robot Chronicles and Posthumous is a novella set in the Perfect Partners, Incorporated world. I can’t describe it. No matter…

February 25, 2015

Just a quick update because I don’t want anyone to think I’m blowing off the website. Here’s the happenings around here in no particular order. Goodreads Giveaway: Congrats to the winner! I’m packing up your paperback and trying very hard to get a bookmark done so I can slip that in the envelope with the…

December 9, 2014

My latest newsletter is out and it’s chockerblock filled with news. Including the opening of the ARC (Advanced Review Copy) lists for The Powers That Be, the new collection of stories by the same authors that brought you WOOL Gathering. Here’s the cover…lovely, ain’t it? If you want an ARC, the spots are LIMITED but…

October 27, 2014

Yes, I’ve gone there. A zombie book with my name on it. What is the world coming to? It started as a short story that I was writing for my collection, a sort of tribute to Halloween. But then I looked at it and said, “Hmm, I like where this is going. Let’s see what…
