January 17, 2014

So….yeah….I thought this would be a short story I would put out somehow, but it got longer.  Also, I’ve gotten a lot of emails asking me for more (or Moar!) about Greg and Lizbet. At this point it is just shy of 20K words and that looks like where it will stay. I’m not sure…

January 15, 2014

Oh yes, soon enough the Silo 49 Trilogy will be available in hardcopy. Whoot! Very soon you should see the first book in the Trilogy available as an ebook through venues other than Amazon, too. In other news…. An incredible collection of short to not-so-short WOOL stories is set to be released soon which will…

January 8, 2014

Hey readers!  I hope your new year is being kind to you and everyone who got a shiny new kindle for the holidays is packing it with delicious indie books. A goodly number of the Silo Saga writers are getting together to do a charity anthology of silo stories and it looks like they are…

January 4, 2014

I know that Silo 49: Dark Till Dawn just came out less than a week ago, so I should be glued to the Amazon ticker seeing if it goes up in rank and if people like it.  And yes, I am doing that, I confess.  But I can’t just sit here and watch the whole…
